Related Tips

Here is what we can do 🌿

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Support carbon reduction.

You can contribute by supporting projects which reduce carbon emissions with reforestation or renewable energy.

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Reflect on delivery.

Often times it's more sustainable to go into the store or restaurant or pick up the item or food yourself. You will avoid unnecessary packaging and potentially transportation emission from delivery. This depends obviously on distance and type of transportation you would use, since otherwise delivery can be actually more efficient, especially when the providers is running on electric mobility and multiple deliveries are carried.

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Choose organic.

Organic farming for crops and vegetables has a lower environmental impact compared to conventional methods. Since fertile soils that are full of nutrients, organic food is usually also better for your health.

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Ditch single-use stirrers.

Stop using single-use stirrers for your drinks (cocktails, coffee, tea, etc) Instead, use a reusable one or a spoon. If you want to mix your coffee or tea without any help, just put the milk and sugar first. Pour the coffee or tea after.

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Refillable / compostable pods.

Instead of creating waste, try to use refillable or compostable espresso coffee pods as compatible with most nespresso machines, and you can refill them with the coffee you love.

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Buy in bulk with your own jar.

You get so much more bang for your buck because you can actually see the portions you are buying. So many packed foods are filled with air and contain chemicals and preservatives that are not healthy and these packages cost more.

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Reuse coffee ground.

You can reuse your coffee ground to neutralise the air and reduce smell in areas that have this tendency: near the shoes or in the fridge. After that they can also be fully recycled as compost.