Related Tips

Here is what we can do 🌿

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Support carbon reduction.

You can contribute by supporting projects which reduce carbon emissions with reforestation or renewable energy.

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Maintain your vehicle well.

Follow the scheduled service guidelines for your car and keep the tires properly inflated.

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Stop idling.

An idling vehicle or motorbike gets exactly 0 miles per gallon. If you are parked or stuck in a gridlocked traffic jam, turn off the engine.

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Drive less or look for alternatives.

We should critically ask ourselves for alternatives: Could we take the train, bus or subway? Or to take the bike? We could save time, money, the planet and work on our fitness. Or use the time for other actives.

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Share a ride.

Not only do you half your emissions by taking another person, you might also have nice company or make a new connection. 👨‍👩‍👧

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Try to plan ahead of time.

By planning your trips ahead of time it will give you the chance to be less cost driven and pick options that drive less carbon emissions like train, shared driving or renting a bike.