Related Tips

Here is what we can do 🌿

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Support carbon reduction.

You can contribute by supporting projects which reduce carbon emissions with reforestation or renewable energy.

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Compost outside.

Landfill methane is a gas that is produced in a landfill because the things in the landfill undergo anaerobic decomposition. A compost pile, on the other side, undergoes aerobic decomposition. Because it is exposed to oxygen, either by turning it or through the use of worms and other living organisms, it produces CO2 (carbon dioxide) instead of methane. If you going to create or do compost you can drive incredible impact, but before you do so, please inform yourself on how to do it properly.

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Indoor Farming.

Especially if you don't have a garden indoor farming is a great way to grow herb, vegetables and fruits yourself. These techniques dont require soil, so its very clean. You can go for Hydroponics (nutrient rich water solution), Aquaponics (Fish-tank combination for full cycle) or Aeroponics (nutrient rich fog solution) systems.

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Compost indoors, with Bokashi.

You don't need a garden or yard to compost. Bokashi composting is a process of fermentation that converts all food waste into compost in 4 to 6 weeks. Perfect for meat, fruits and veggies. It will be a great for soil and plants outside afterwards and you really made a personal impact.

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Grow herbs indoor yourself.

Upgrade your meals by some great self-grown herbs. These are the 10 that grow indoor all year long: Basil, Bay, Chervil, Chives, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon and Thyme.

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Don't shop when hungry.

Being hungry when grocery shopping will make you have cravings and buy stuff that you don’t need - which will create waste. Plan your meals, make a shopping list and stick to it.

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Reflect on delivery.

Often times it's more sustainable to go into the store or restaurant or pick up the item or food yourself. You will avoid unnecessary packaging and potentially transportation emission from delivery. This depends obviously on distance and type of transportation you would use, since otherwise delivery can be actually more efficient, especially when the providers is running on electric mobility and multiple deliveries are carried.

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Choose organic.

Organic farming for crops and vegetables has a lower environmental impact compared to conventional methods. Since fertile soils that are full of nutrients, organic food is usually also better for your health.

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Transportable food container.

When you take away food from a restaurant, take away leftovers or take your own food to work consider to use a durable and reusable food container. By that you can decrease your waste a lot! Also great if you want to buy at a "package-free grocery store".