Related Tips

Here is what we can do 🌿

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Support carbon reduction.

You can contribute by supporting projects which reduce carbon emissions with reforestation or renewable energy.

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Reflect on delivery.

Often times it's more sustainable to go into the store or restaurant or pick up the item or food yourself. You will avoid unnecessary packaging and potentially transportation emission from delivery. This depends obviously on distance and type of transportation you would use, since otherwise delivery can be actually more efficient, especially when the providers is running on electric mobility and multiple deliveries are carried.

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Reuse as ecobricks.

An "ecobrick" is a durable building block or volume that is filled by a plastic bottle with non recyclable plastic. If you create a furniture, build,a wall or playgrounds for kids this is fill the inside with material and cover it nicely on the outside.

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Don't use plastic straws.

This waste can easily end up in the ocean or in nature, eaten by animals that confuse them with food because they are so small. Either avoid a straw, use a bamboo or metal straw or try edible ones.

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Drink tab water.

If hygienic standards are high in your country and region there is no need to buy packaged water. Avoiding this makes a big climate contributions and is definitely something you should consider.

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Buy or refill locally.

If you can't use tab water consider to buy water from local water sources and fill stations. Transporting water and the plastic waste is a large factor that you can impact.

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Refill your bottles.

Instead of trowing away bottles, especially plastic bottles, consider if you can use it for a longer time and refill them using local sources or tab water. Especially with glas bottles.