Related Tips

Here is what we can do 🌿

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Support carbon reduction.

You can contribute by supporting projects which reduce carbon emissions with reforestation or renewable energy.

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Compost outside.

Landfill methane is a gas that is produced in a landfill because the things in the landfill undergo anaerobic decomposition. A compost pile, on the other side, undergoes aerobic decomposition. Because it is exposed to oxygen, either by turning it or through the use of worms and other living organisms, it produces CO2 (carbon dioxide) instead of methane. If you going to create or do compost you can drive incredible impact, but before you do so, please inform yourself on how to do it properly.

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Store and protect food properly.

A super simple but great hack is to store and package your food properly when stored outside or in the fridge with reusable containers to extend the lifetime. Also make sure you safe leftovers.

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Don't shop when hungry.

Being hungry when grocery shopping will make you have cravings and buy stuff that you don’t need - which will create waste. Plan your meals, make a shopping list and stick to it.

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Find your local farmer.

If you have a farmer in your area get in touch with him and see if and what you can purchase directly from him. You will not just support your local economy, reduce footprint but also get a better sense of where your food is coming from: and most importably access high quality local vegetables, fruits, milk or meat.

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Reflect on delivery.

Often times it's more sustainable to go into the store or restaurant or pick up the item or food yourself. You will avoid unnecessary packaging and potentially transportation emission from delivery. This depends obviously on distance and type of transportation you would use, since otherwise delivery can be actually more efficient, especially when the providers is running on electric mobility and multiple deliveries are carried.

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Neither cold nor hot.

In case you create additional emissions by toasting or refrigerating the bread, avoiding this can reduce your footprint by ~25%.

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Avoid food waste.

5–10% emissions can be reduced in average just by throwing less away. We should try not to waste food and through less away.

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Buy regional food.

We should try to eat regional food and avoid packaging. The emission of transportation and packaging are comparatively small, but can save packaging waste and it's generally more sustainable.

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Avoid parchment paper.

First of all, a lot of parchment paper is bleached and also contains dioxin. Wax paper also consists of paraffin and is derived from petroleum, which is terrible to ingest. Go for silicone mats as they can be reused thousand times, don't stick and cut down oil/fats consumption.

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Save food by local sharing.

If you notice that you will not be able to eat food before it turns bad or have cooked too much, share it! Share it with your neighbourhood or alternatively try the "Too Good to Go" App.